Lacunae: Embodying the Untranslatable

Lacunae is a performative exploration of Untranslatable Words. As an interdisciplinary project, Lacunae draws on performing arts, embodied cognition and translation studies.


Performing Yuánfèn: An Exploration of Untranslatable Words in the Lacunae Project a paper by E. Piazzoli, M. Corderi Novoa & Z. Hogan (Arts Journal, 2024)

Presence as the Untranslatable, a workshop by E. Piazzoli, S. Cecco, M. Corderi Novoa, Z. Hogan, A. Ó Breacháin (Scenario Conference, TCD, Ireland, 2024)

Ramé: The joyful mess of untranslatable words, a workshop by E. Piazzoli, P. O’Connor, H. Smith (IDIERI Conference, The University of Warwick, UK, 2022)

Embodying the Untranslatable in the Lacunae Project, a paper by E. Piazzoli and A.A. Ó Breacháin (IDEA Conference, The University of Iceland, 2022)


  • Erika Piazzoli, Assistant Professor in Arts Education, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
  • Serena Cecco, Lecturer in interpreting and translating, Ca’Foscari University (Italy)
  • Modesto Corderi Novoa, Ph.D. Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese teacher at Xunta de Galicia (Spain)
  • Annie Ó Breacháin, Assistant Professor, School of Arts Education and Movement, Institute of Education, Dublin City University (Ireland)
  • Peter O’Connor, Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Director of the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
  • Helen Smith, academic, Butoh dancer and art director, the University of Melbourne, Trinity College (Australia)
  • Zoe Hogan, PhD, the University of Sydney (Australia)
  • Jungmi Hur, PhD candidate, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

Image Credits: Aduantas. Artwork by Yang Yang

This project has received funding from the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin
